Cornelia Entling started to combine her singing career with teaching at a very early stage. After completing her degree in music education she accepted a position teaching special classes for music at Landesschule Pforta in Schulpforte near Naumburg in 1989. She taught here until 1997, her subjects including singing and the history of music.

Hochschule für Musik und Theater Leipzig

Hochschule für Musik und Theater LeipzigHochschule für Musik Leipzig

In 1997 she was given a university contract to teach singing at the Church Music Institute of the University of Music and Theatre in Leipzig. She has been teaching future church musicians and choir leaders ever since. In past years these have also included many Erasmus students from Norway, Finland, Korea, Latvia, Russia, Spain, Italy, Slovakia and Romania. Former students from her class, for instance, have become choir leaders of the Gewandhaus Children’s Choir Leipzig, the Halle boys‘ choir Stadtsingechor zu Halle, the Saxony State Youth Choir (Sächsischer Landesjugendchor), the Schola Cantorum in Leipzig, the Helsinki Philharmonic Choir, the OperaBox Helsinki and the Thuringian Boys‘ Choir. They have also taken up positions as assistants with the Chorus of the Cologne Opera or as cantors in places like Leipzig, at the cathedral in Meldorf, in Freiberg, Berlin, Bremen and Copenhagen.

Together with Prof. Dr. Michael Fuchs and the choral conductor Christian Fischer Cornelia Entling has held lectures and workshops on choral voice training at the University of Music and Theatre in Leipzig.

In 2002 she was also appointed to a teaching position at the Department of Music Education and Church Music of the University of Music FRANZ LISZT Weimar. Here she teaches singing as a main subject and as a subsidiary to future grammar school teachers. She coaches the vocal development of many of her students who specialise in singing in parallel with their studies in music education focusing on voice education. In 2010 one of her students, Mareike Weiffenbach, won a grant in the Vocal Ensemble category at the Felix Mendelssohn-Bartholdy Competition in Berlin. No other prizes were awarded. After taking their degrees in music education or church music some of her students have gained admission to singing courses at universities such as Leipzig, Dresden and Hannover in the face of fierce competition.

Hochschule für Musik Franz Liszt Weimar – Saal Am Palais

University of Music FRANZ LISZT Weimar – Saal Am PalaisSaal am Palais HfM Weimar

Cornelia Entling has been a member of the German Singing Teachers Association (Bundesverband Deutscher Gesangspädagogen) since 2005.
